My dad took up golf late in his life. He did not let that stop him from enjoying the game and giving us so many great memories. Playing golf with dad was always memorable and enjoyable, and it seldom had anything to do with the quality of the golf. I could tell you about the fact he carried about 20+ clubs in his bags and non matched. He discovered that with some glue, golf parts, and a vice - you can easily order stuff from Golfsmith to build your own clubs. So he did. He didn't have a single golf head/club, shaft, or grip that matched. But, he thought he had the best clubs in the planet and that was fine with me.
The Pull Cart
When he was still in relatively good health, my mom got him to walk the course using a pull cart. He loved his pull cart. Then he subscribed to every golf equipment catalog out there and discovered the world of motorized pull golf carts. This started a craze that became very entertaining for the rest of us.
The Motorized Pull Cart
I think my dad's first motorized pull cart had a simple timer on the back. You just pointed the pull cart, with his 20+ clubs, in the right direction and set the time. The cart would go by itself and stop with the timer. When I played golf with my dad and he had this cart I seriously witnessed the following:
1) Sent in to sand traps
2) Sent it five yards at a time on a Par 5
3) Sent it into the trees, where it eventually got knocked over
4) Sent it into a raven
5) Watched it go into a pond
He finally gave up on the motorized pull cart when the next generation came out.
The Follow Me Golf Cart
He then bought a motorized golf cart that came with a remote control that you clipped on your pants/belt - or for my dad, his suspenders. Then the cart would just follow you and stop when you stopped. Most of the time. The one time when it didn't stop was when my dad decided to relieve himself on a tree, which was common for my dad at the San Angelo Country Club. This time his pull cart and golf bag ran into him. I think he scrapped parts of the tree with parts of him that hurt. He was really mad and start throwing clubs all over the place. He also seemed like he was in real pain. Best to keep your distance a little when using a tree instead of urinal.
Finally a Real Golf Cart
When my dad start driving a cart around the course, it was still a position. He seemed to care little for cart golf cart rules. Sometimes we saw him drive on a green and put without getting out.
Worst golf cart behavior we witnessed, along with refreshment cart girl at the San Angelo Country Club. My dad hit a bad shot. He then proceed to smash the top of the golf cart with his golf club. The golf club then got caught in the top of the golf cart. He then finished the round driving a golf cart with a club sticking out of the top. I think that cost him about $500.
To Close
I miss playing golf with my dad. However, I am so blessed to have played golf with my dad. It was entertaining, memorable, and no matter the weather or circumstances - he and I enjoyed it.
Of all the people I know that say they enjoy golf, when you hear the stories it seems like they really hate it but keep trying to love it. I want a motorized golf cart to use in the house. I think it would be great fun.